6'x6' Video Conference Backdrop
$399.00 - $434.00 -
5' x 8' Media Backdrop - Straight Stretch Fabric Zip Stand
Price: $442.00 -
8' x 8' Media Backdrop - Straight Stretch Fabric Zip Stand
Price: $698.54 -
10' x 8' Media Backdrop - Straight Stretch Fabric Zip Stand
Price: $834.00 -
10' x 10' Media Backdrop - Straight Stretch Fabric Zip Stand
Price: $934.00 -
12' wide Media Backdrop - Straight Stretch Fabric Zip Stand
$1,278.00 - $1,814.76 -
15' x 8' Media Backdrop - Straight Stretch Fabric Zip Stand
Price: $1,313.00 -
15' x 10' Media Backdrop - Straight Stretch Fabric Zip Stand
Price: $1,417.64 -
20' x 8' Media Backdrop - Straight Stretch Fabric Zip Stand
Price: $1,398.21 -
20' x 10' Media Backdrop - Straight Stretch Fabric Zip Stand
Price: $1,498.00 -
8' x 8' Media Backdrop - Tension Fabric Pop Up
Price: $534.00 -
10' x 8' Media Backdrop - Tension Fabric Pop Up
Price: $634.00 -
15' x 8' Media Backdrop - Tension Fabric Pop Up
Price: $974.00 -
20' x 8' Media Backdrop - Tension Fabric Pop Up
Price: $1,254.00 -
Media Backdrops
Event media backdrop for press conferences, weddings, and events. Step and Repeats can use one or multiple logos or words that can be repeated to show up in the background of your video or photo providing some great brand awareness. Send us your logos and we will set the file for you and send you a proof for approval. Step and Repeats come in vinyl and fabric.
These backdrop banners, and frames, come in various sizes from 5' wide to 20' wide and from 8' high to 10' high. Many different frame types to choose from depending on your event. Our stretch fabric tube frame backdrops make excellent logo walls since the fabric is stretched over the frame eliminating any wrinkles. Sets up in minutes and is very portable.
Interview Backdrop Size
The size of your backdrop as based on a couple factors.
- How will your interview be seen. If seen through a camera, then you can size the background to fill your shot. If seen on in a live setting then you can make it the size of the subjects in the interview.
- How many people in the interview? A single 5' wide retractable banner stand media background is ok for 1 person, while a 8x8 is good for 2, and a 10x8 is good for 3-4 people. 15x8 and 20 x8 are great for stages.
Custom Logo size on Backdrop
Size of the printed logo is based on how close the subject is to the background and how far away they are being filmed from, or being seen from. You want the logos to be visible as whole logos in the view. If the subjects block logos then you lose your visibility.
We generally create logos at from 8"-10" wide and spacing between the logos is about 50% of that logo. Logos are staggered on the lines to allow a better chance your logo will be visible during the conference.
What is a step and repeat?
Repeat means the logos are repeated across the background.
Step means the logos are repeated in a drop down and staggered manner.
Your logo(s) will have a better chance of being seen when they are staggered in a step and repeat pattern. No ones head can block them when they are staggered behind them.
Set up press conference backdrop logos
Our media backdrops include free set up of 1-2 logos on the display of your choice. Simply send us your logo(s) and we will set up your backdrop and get you a proof for your approval.
If you want to set it up yourself, just look under the design specs tab on the product page. You'll find the PDF template and design specs for that product.